Category: Compliance for Self-Storage Operators - Page: 2

The latest updates on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and issues that may impact SCRA compliance for self-storage operators.

Why Do I Need an Affidavit of Due Diligence?

When, despite all efforts, we or you cannot determine the military status of the defendant in your court case, you will need an affidavit of due diligence.

Some businesses deal with members of the military more than others. These include …

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The Military Affidavit in the Collection Process

SCRA Protects Servicemembers’ Dependents Too

SCRA for Self-Storage Operators

What Self-Storage Operators Need to Know About the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

Self- Storage operators sometimes face problems.  Non-payment of rent is often at the top of the list.

Before lockouts, auctions, seizing personal property, or evictions, self-storage operators need …

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What Can Storage Facility Owners do about Nonpaying Servicemembers?

If you are a storage facility owner or operator and you have a delinquent tenant who is also a military servicemember, you may wonder what forms of recourse you have.

You must tread carefully. One misstep, and you could find …

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Know the SCRA Storage Facility Rules

Servicemembers make frequent use of storage facilities. The government often deploys them on short notice, and they need a safe place to keep their possessions while they’re away. In fact, many storage facilities are located near military bases for that …

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