Category: News - Page: 6

News related to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Car Towing Service Faces Potential Penalties for SCRA Violation

When U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col. Alexzandria Kelly left on active duty to Africa last year, she expected her 1972 AMC Gremlin to be safe.

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act offers civil protections to servicemembers, and one of those protections …

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Private Cause of Action Under SCRA

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (“SCRA”), a federal statute, provides for certain protections for servicemembers.  These protections, discussed in detail in our blog, include

  • Reductions in interest rates on certain obligations
  • Requirements before entries of default judgments
  • Restrictions on
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New York Tightens Default Judgment Affidavit Rules

Auto Lender to pay $3.28M for SCRA Illegal Debt Collection

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), with its authority under the Dodd-Frank Act to take action against companies engaging in unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices, has filed an administrative consent order against an auto lender that targeted servicemembers for illegal …

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Troop Deployment Highlights Renters’ Rights Under SCRA

In early August, the U.S. Army announced that 2,500 troops from upstate New York’s Fort Drum would be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. This news is just the latest deployment from the area, as over the past decade countless service …

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Court Ruling: Military Affidavit For All Civil Proceedings

When do you need a military affidavit?

Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, all active-duty military members are afforded certain rights. One of those protections addresses court cases — specifically, what happens if a servicemember cannot appear in court to …

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