Category: News - Page: 5

News related to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

How to Get an SCRA Military Status Verification Certificate

Anyone who must do an SCRA search to obtain a military status verification certificate for their court case will need the individual’s Social Security number or date of birth if they want to use the services of the Data Manpower …

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SCRA Rules on Eviction

If you rent to active-duty military personnel, you need to know the SCRA rules on eviction.

Whether it was ignorance of the law or an attempt to flout it, a real estate development and management company recently ended up with …

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Wells Fargo Fined for Disregarding SCRA Rules

Wells Fargo is in trouble again, and this time it’s for SCRA violations.

This big bank has seen its share of scandals lately, from the discovery that employees were directed to open fraudulent accounts in customers’ names to reportedly taking …

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Companies Settle with DoJ for SCRA Violations

Paying settlements for SCRA violations can cost you a bundle. It’s better to do your homework ahead of time and avoid the expensive headaches.

The SCRA deems soldiers on active duty exempt from lawsuits. Even recent retirees are covered.  Cases …

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New DoD SCRA Regulations for Moneylenders

If you’re a moneylender, recent regulation changes to the Military Lending Act issued by the DoD could greatly affect your business.

Banks and other lending institutions likely know about the SCRA regulations the Department of Defense set up in 2006 …

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ABA Announces Revision in SCRA Compliance Requirements

The American Bankers Association has announced changes to its SCRA compliance requirements. The ABA, which makes available to its members very detailed analyses on Servicemembers Civil Relief Act compliance and HUD’s Servicemembers Civil Relief Act notice disclosure, has announced recent …

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