Category: General - Page: 9

Who is Eligible for SCRA Benefits?

While the name Servicemembers Civil Relief Act seems to imply that it would only cover members of the armed forces, SCRA benefits can extend far past members of the military. Members of the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast …

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How Long Do SCRA Benefits Last?

The length of SCRA benefits can be different under certain circumstances. Variables such as the type of protection, type of service, and length of service can all affect the application of benefits. As a result, in order to understand how …

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What is military affiliation?

Military affiliation is a term used to describe individuals that have some sort of relationship to the military. It includes individuals who are not directly serving in the military and individuals that are.

A military affiliated individual could be a …

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Which Protections Exist Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act?

There are a variety of legal protections for active duty servicemembers outlined under the servicemembers civil relief act. They are relevant to civil judicial proceedings and financial transactions. The Department of Justice outlines six main benefits and protections including: the …

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Military Rental Clause

When you rent to a service member, it is important to understand how the SCRA applies to your lease as a landlord or property manager. Violations of the SCRA can result in steep fines and penalties, so staying informed and …

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Military records search at National Archives

There are so many reasons to search for military records, but one of the main ones is to stay in compliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Bankers, lenders, landlords, property managers and others must follow the tenets of …

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