Category: General - Page: 4

Understanding UCMJ Article 112A

As a service member, one of the most important things you should familiarize yourself with is the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This federal law serves as the foundation for military justice and details all the criminal offenses in …

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Exercise Your Due Diligence

Even though we may not report that the person is on active duty, you should be careful. Are you aware of other factors (besides our report) that should make you aware that the person is on active duty? Is there …

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SCRA Notice Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide

Being part of the US military is an honor and privilege. That’s why there are laws in place that protect the welfare of active duty service members. Among the laws that protect service members to ensure they perform their duties …

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Who Mandates Enhanced SCRA Benefits: A Guide

Being part of the Armed Forces is not only an honor but also a big responsibility. The service members must be able to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. This is why the active duty service members …

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Adultery & UCMJ: Article 134 Explained

Serving in the Armed Forces is an honor and a responsibility. Soldiers are held to a higher moral standard because the US military is founded on values like integrity, respect, and honor. This is why maintaining good order and discipline …

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Article 108 (UCMJ): A Simple Guide

If you’re part of the US military, you’re probably aware of the significance of the UCMJ. Formally known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice, UCMJ is a federal law that defines the military justice system and details the …

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