Category: General - Page: 3

DD214 Separation Codes: Understanding Their Significance

By now, you probably understand how vital a DD Form 214 is to a veteran. Formally known as a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, this official document from the Department of Defense gives a snapshot of …

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How Does Custody Work if One Parent Is in the Military?

Navigating child custody arrangements can be a complex process, and the challenges can intensify when one parent serves in the military. The unpredictability associated with military assignments, whether overseas or stateside, adds another layer of complexity to sharing parental responsibilities.…

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Does SCRA Apply To Disabled Veterans?

Serving the country is considered a privilege. That’s why many laws in place ensure service members receive attractive benefits. Among the regulations that make the lives of military members so much easier is the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA).


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DUI in the Military: Understanding the Consequences and Legal Implications

Driving under the influence is a severe crime in the civilian world. The stakes are higher if you’re from the Armed Forces. Why? Many service members spend time operating vehicles, aircraft, and vessels, and they’re expected to handle them with …

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Military Medical Discharge: A Quick Guide

According to, over 200,000 military personnel leave the military on an annual basis. While most of these service members leave because their terms of service have been met, some leave military service for medical reasons caused by their …

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Article 91 UCMJ: Insubordinate Conduct

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) covers many offenses integral to maintaining lawful order in the military. Among the many articles included in this federal law is Article 91: Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer, Noncommissioned Officer, or Petty Officer. …

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