Category: General - Page: 14

Military Age Requirements: What Is The Cut-Off Age For Military?

Are you too old to join the military? Each military branch has its age requirements for applicants. The age limit varies per branch. There are branches wherein you can serve on active duty until you are 39. However, some branches, …

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Do Merchants Need Military Verifications for Retail Discounts?

Merchants enjoy being able to give military discounts. It’s good for business. Invariably, however, when servicemembers enter into business relationships with merchants, a time will come when one or more will want to cancel their contract. In these cases, as …

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Title 32 – Could be Covered Under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The Veterans Benefit Act (section 304) says members of the National Guard includes service authorized by the president (paid from federal funds – even if overseen by the governor) for a period of more than 30 days.  Also see Title …

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SCRA Credit Card Regulations for Active Military

Banks and lenders that aren’t familiar with SCRA credit card regulations can find themselves in violation of this federal law.

Servicemembers on active military status are entitled to a number of protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, and one …

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If You Don’t Know Military Status, Can You Get a Default Judgment?

Plaintiffs are usually required to provide documentation in court regarding the defendant’s military status.

This documentation is important, because if they are in the military, they are entitled to some protections in court. These protections are outlined in the Servicemembers …

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When Does SCRA Protection Begin for Reservists?

Reservists, under certain circumstances, enjoy the same benefits as other military personnel under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

While all members of the military are entitled to SCRA benefits, the date these benefits kick in can vary among the different …

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