Category: General - Page: 12

The SCRA and Bankruptcy: Does it Apply?

Many lenders and business owners know the rules of the SCRA as they apply to civil matters. They know they have to get a military status verification before heading to civil court. But what about the SCRA and military bankruptcy …

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What is The Definition of Active Duty?

The United States Department of Defense Manpower Data Center, the informational source used by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service, reports the following in its user manual as to the definition of active duty as interpreted under …

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Why Pay for a DMDC Search?

5 Advantages to Working with SCRACVS for Verifying Military Service

5 Advantages To Working With SCRACVS For Verifying Military

You have a number of options available for verifying military service, so why are so many people working with SCRACVS?

Lawyers, pro se plaintiffs, creditors and anyone else who works …

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Who Receives SCRA Protections?

Do you ever wonder who is eligible for SCRA protections?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is a fairly complex federal law that covers a swath of military personnel and their dependants. But which ones?

According to federal laws, active military …

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Military Age Requirements: What Is The Cut-Off Age For Military?

Are you too old to join the military? Each military branch has its age requirements for applicants. The age limit varies per branch. There are branches wherein you can serve on active duty until you are 39. However, some branches, …

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