Category: General - Page: 11

How to Check Military Discharge Status

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When you do business with military service members, it is important to know whether they are on active duty. If they are, you must adhere to the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, a United States federal …

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How to Check if Your Client is a Soldier?

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Are you a banker, a lender or another type of merchant who does business with service members? If so, we have some information you need.

While military members are an important segment of your client base, you must …

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How to Get Military Records Online

Merchants, bankers and others who do business with military personnel must stay in compliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, a United States law. In order to do this, they must frequently request a search for military service records.…

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Military Status Types | All 5 Types Described Here

When you do business with those who serve in the military, you must stay abreast of which clients are on active duty. The reason for this is because active duty servicemembers are covered by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, a …

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How to Check Military Status

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If you’re in the banking or lending industries – or, in fact, any industry that frequently does business with military personnel – you must regularly perform military status checks on your customers in order to comply with the …

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What are Common Myths About The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is an important law that grants special protections to those with active military status. The SCRA’s rules are sometimes confusing. This results in some people who do business with members of the military inadvertently …

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