Category: Compliance for Landlords & Property Managers

Can I Evict A Tenant With Active Military Status?

As a landlord, you may wonder if you are allowed to evict a tenant with active military status.

You are right to ask this question because making a mistake in this area can cost you dearly, not to mention wreak …

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Can An Active Duty Servicemember Cancel A Lease?

Few individuals are more likely to accidentally run afoul of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act than landlords. A number of statutes under this law put a thumb on the scale of interactions between servicemembers and landlords in favor of the …

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How to Rent Your House to Military Personnel: A Landlord’s Guide

Service members and their families often move around because of service orders. Military families move to a different area usually every two years. Thus, there is always a demand for military tenants. Landlords can use this as an excellent …

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Rent House To Military: How To Attract Reliable Tenants

Are you looking for reliable renters? You should explore renting your property to military members. The military brings a large rental pool of military personnel with a stable income which leads to tenants consistently paying rent on time. Moreover, you …

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SCRA Lease Termination

As a landlord or property manager, it is important for you to be well-versed in the SCRA and how it applies to you and your business, specifically a lease termination. An error in this area can cost you dearly, so …

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What are Common Myths About The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is an important law that grants special protections to those with active military status. The SCRA’s rules are sometimes confusing. This results in some people who do business with members of the military inadvertently …

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